Wetenschap en onderzoek naar naaldangst en prikweerstand
Wetenschap en praktijk
Afgelopen decennia zijn er uiteenlopende onderzoeken geweest naar problemen rondom het prikken met de naald. In Engeland zijn daaruit voortkomend wetenschappelijke richtlijnen ontwikkeld hoe naaldangst bij kinderen te benaderen [10, 11]. Het implementeren van deze richtlijnen gaat erg traag [61]. Ook in Nederland is er helaas weinig wetenschappelijke inbedding in de praktijk bekend. Hier is dus nog veel ruimte en noodzaak voor verbetering.
Wetenschappelijke artikelen
Hieronder vindt u een aanzienlijke lijst met wetenschappelijke literatuur over naaldangst en prikweerstand.
[1] P. Szmuk, E. Szmuk, and T. Ezri, “Use of needle-free injection systems to alleviate needle phobia and pain at injection,” Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 467–477, Aug. 2005.
[2] J. Hamilton, “Needle phobia neglected diagnosis.” 1995.
[3] G. J. Andrews and D. Shaw, “‘So we started talking about a beach in Barbados’: Visualization practices and needle phobia,” Social Science & Medicine, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 1804–1810, Nov. 2010.
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[6] P. P. Network, Y. People, and B. P. Society, “Evidence-based Guidelines for the Management of Invasive and / or Distressing Procedures with Children,” no.
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[7] R. R. Kapoor, S. a Burke, S. E. Sparrow, I. a Hughes, D. B. Dunger, K. K. Ong, and C. L. Acerini, “Monitoring of concordance in growth hormone therapy,” Archives of disease in childhood, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 147–8, Feb. 2008.
[8] “Guidance on the Use of Human Growth Hormone (Somatropin) in Children with Growth Failure,” Technology Appraisal Guidance, 2002
[9] WHO, “Injection safety,” Report by the secretariat. Health Organization Executive Board, vol. 107th Sess, 2000.
[10] Network, Paediatric Psychology People, Young Society, British Psychological, “Evidence-based Guidelines for the Management of Invasive and / or
Distressing Procedures with Children,” October, 2009.
[11] a. J. a. Duff, S. L. Gaskell, K. Jacobs, and J. M. Houghton, “Management of distressing procedures in children and young people: time to adhere to the
guidelines,” Archives of Disease in Childhood, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 1–4, Nov. 2011.
[12] C. et. al. Bennett, “The Occurrence and of High Adolescents Levels of Acute Behavioral Distress Undergoing Routine Venipunctures in Children,” vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 87–91, 1992.
[13] A. Hermann, A. Schäfer, B. Walter, R. Stark, D. Vaitl, and A. Schienle, “Diminished medial prefrontal cortex activity in blood-injection-injury phobia.,” Biological psychology, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 124–30, May 2007. 130
[14] E. S. Ayala, A. E. Meuret, and T. Ritz, “Treatments for blood-injury-injection phobia: a critical review of current evidence.,” Journal of psychiatric research,
vol. 43, no. 15, pp. 1235–42, Oct. 2009.
[15] Wieling, Ganzeboom & Saul Reflex syncope in children and adolescents (2004) Heart. 2004 September; 90(9): 1094–1100
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disgust propensity and disgust sensitivity,” Journal of anxiety disorders, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 319–25, Apr. 2011.
[18] Woody & Teachman, “Intersection of disgust and fear: normative and pathological views,” Clinical Psychology, Science and Practice, vol. 7, pp.
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[19] T. C. Tolin, D.F., Lohr, J.M., Sawchuk, C.N., Lee, “Disgust and disgust sensitivity in blood-injection-injury and spider phobia,” Behaviour Research and Therapy, vol. 35, pp. 949–953, 1997.
[20] E. L. Grunau, V.E., Whitfield, M.F., Petrie, J.H., Fryer, “Early pain experience, child and family factors, as precursors of somatization: a prospective study of
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[23] H. Hermann, C., Hofmeister, J., Demrakca, S., Zohsel K., Flor, “Long-term alteration of pain sensitivity in school-aged children with early pain
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[24] J. Hands, C., Round, J., Thomas, “When someone stabs you: children’s perspectives of venepuncture,” Arch Dis Child, vol. 94, p. 499, 2009.
[25] R. Hanas and J. Ludvigsson, “Experience of pain from insulin injections and needle-phobia in young patients with IDDM,” Practical Diabetes International,
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[26] D. Cox and J. Stone, “Managing Self-Injection Diffculties in Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis,” Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, vol.
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[28] Cloughertry, “For parents Overcoming a fear of needles.” 2003.
[29] D. C. Mohr, D. Ph, D. Cox, and D. Psy, “LEARNING TO SELF-INJECT : APPROACH TO OVERCOMING INJECTION ANXIETY University of California San Francisco,” 2003.
[30] D. C. Mohr, a C. Boudewyn, W. Likosky, E. Levine, and D. E. Goodkin, “Injectable medication for the treatment of multiple sclerosis: the influence of self-effcacy expectations and injection anxiety on adherence and ability to self-inject,” Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral
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[32] J. Van den Berg, Bloednerveus en Prikkelende Oplossingen: gratis informatieboek voor mensen met een angst en afkeer van bloed, verwondingen
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[66] R. R. Kapoor, S. a Burke, S. E. Sparrow, I. a Hughes, D. B. Dunger, K. K. Ong, and C. L. Acerini, “Monitoring of concordance in growth hormone therapy,” Archives of disease in childhood, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 147–8, Feb. 2008.
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